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Accident insurance

Choose accident insurance for yourself and your family and avoid sudden expenses after accidental injuries, disability or even death.

For those who are active

From ages 3 to 70.

Apply for compensation easily and conveniently

Quick processing.

Various insurance programmes

Choose the most suitable for you at a great price.

Insurance services are provided by the insurer AAS “CBL Life”, registration No. 40003786859, legal address: Republikas laukums 2A, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010, phone +371 6701 0129, email, on behalf of which acts insurance agent AS “Citadele banka”, registration No. 40103303559, legal address: Republikas laukums 2A, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010. All claims and complaints filed to the insurance agent are handled by the insurer AAS “CBL Life”. Before signing the insurance contract please read the terms and conditions of the contract and consult an expert, if necessary.

Who needs accident insurance?

  • Families with young children.
  • Those with an active lifestyle.
  • Those who play various sports like basketball or football, etc.
  • Those with risky jobs.
  • Those with a limited budget for unexpected medical expenses.

Choose your insurance plan

3,50 EUR / month
5,00 EUR / month
6,00 EUR / month
Broken bones and injuries 2500 EUR 4000 EUR 5000 EUR
Permanent disability caused by accident 5000 EUR 8000 EUR 10 000 EUR
Death caused by an accident 5000 EUR 8000 EUR 10 000 EUR
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3,50 EUR / month
Broken bones and injuries 2500 EUR
Permanent disability caused by accident 5000 EUR
Death caused by an accident 5000 EUR

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5,00 EUR / month
Broken bones and injuries 4000 EUR
Permanent disability caused by accident 8000 EUR
Death caused by an accident 8000 EUR

Buy in app

6,00 EUR / month
Broken bones and injuries 5000 EUR
Permanent disability caused by accident 10 000 EUR
Death caused by an accident 10 000 EUR

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The insurance coverage includes Sports II and hobbies listed in Terms & Conditions Annex 3.


  • The insurance is valid worldwide 24/7.
  • Insurance coverage includes your hobbies and sports, as long as you do not compete in international sports competitions.
  • Payment for insurance must be made once a month.
  • Accident insurance applies to those between the age of 3 and 70.
  • You can buy policy, if you are at least 18 years old.
  • You have the rights to terminate the contract within 14 days of its conclusion. In that case, all payments will be reimbursed.
  • You can apply for compensation electronically.

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Interactive assistant
Why is accident insurance necessary?

Accident insurance can be especially important if you have a family or are concerned about health-related expenses. Some reasons why accident insurance is important:

  1. Financial protection. Accident insurance help to cover  medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses and other financial losses related to an accident.
  2. Income protection. If a person becomes completely or partially unable to work as a result of an accident, insurance can provide income protection while you recover or adjust to your new living situation.
  3. Support for family members. If a person dies as a result of an accident, insurance can provide financial support to the family.

How do I apply for indemnity?

You can file a claim by filling in a form on our website or mobile app: Services → Insurance → My insurances → Submit a claim.

How much do accident insurance cost?

Accident insurance costs vary depending on the chosen plan. To find out the exact price of accident insurance, take a look at the insurance plans we offer, compare the offers and choose the insurance that meets your needs and budget.

Is accident insurance the same as life insurance?

No, they are two different types of insurance. Accident insurance will cover expenses in the event of an accident – injury, disability or death. Life insurance will provide financial support to the family in the event of the insured's death.

How long does it takes to get decision for indemnity?

We will make a decision on the amount and payment of the Insurance Indemnity or refusal to pay the Insurance Indemnity within 30 (thirty) days after receipt of all documents.

Will I receive compensation for an accident if I have another type of insurance?

Yes, accident insurance is complementary to other types of insurance, such as health and life insurance. Such insurance provides additional financial protection that may be necessary in situations where other types of insurance coverage are insufficient.

How can I terminate Accident insurance policy?

You can terminate your policy in the Mobile App: Services → Insurance → My insurances → Terminate Insurance.

What is accident insurance?

Accident insurance is additional protection against potential financial loss caused by injury or sudden death due accident. Accident insurance pays out if a person is injured, becomes  permanently disabled, or dies.

Where can I find my policy in Mobile Application?

You can find your policy in the Mobile App: Services → Insurance → My insurances.

When will the insurance policy take effect?

The policy takes effect the day after the first payment is received, provided that the payment has been made within the term and in the amount specified in the Policy.

What is the difference between accident and health insurance?

They are two different types of insurance. Accident insurance can be purchased by anyone and covers the costs of accidents that result in injury, disability or death. Health insurance is provided by an employer to its employees with the aim of providing reimbursement for medical expenses in a more general sense when employees become ill.

How to apply for accident insurance?

Accident insurance can only be purchased by Citadele customers in the mobile app. If you don't have the Ciatdele mobile app yet, download it to your phone or tablet and enjoy the benefits of digital services.

More questions
Why is accident insurance necessary?

Accident insurance can be especially important if you have a family or are concerned about health-related expenses. Some reasons why accident insurance is important:

  1. Financial protection. Accident insurance help to cover  medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses and other financial losses related to an accident.
  2. Income protection. If a person becomes completely or partially unable to work as a result of an accident, insurance can provide income protection while you recover or adjust to your new living situation.
  3. Support for family members. If a person dies as a result of an accident, insurance can provide financial support to the family.

How do I apply for indemnity?

You can file a claim by filling in a form on our website or mobile app: Services → Insurance → My insurances → Submit a claim.

How much do accident insurance cost?

Accident insurance costs vary depending on the chosen plan. To find out the exact price of accident insurance, take a look at the insurance plans we offer, compare the offers and choose the insurance that meets your needs and budget.

Is accident insurance the same as life insurance?

No, they are two different types of insurance. Accident insurance will cover expenses in the event of an accident – injury, disability or death. Life insurance will provide financial support to the family in the event of the insured's death.

How long does it takes to get decision for indemnity?

We will make a decision on the amount and payment of the Insurance Indemnity or refusal to pay the Insurance Indemnity within 30 (thirty) days after receipt of all documents.

Will I receive compensation for an accident if I have another type of insurance?

Yes, accident insurance is complementary to other types of insurance, such as health and life insurance. Such insurance provides additional financial protection that may be necessary in situations where other types of insurance coverage are insufficient.

How can I terminate Accident insurance policy?

You can terminate your policy in the Mobile App: Services → Insurance → My insurances → Terminate Insurance.

What is accident insurance?

Accident insurance is additional protection against potential financial loss caused by injury or sudden death due accident. Accident insurance pays out if a person is injured, becomes  permanently disabled, or dies.

Where can I find my policy in Mobile Application?

You can find your policy in the Mobile App: Services → Insurance → My insurances.

When will the insurance policy take effect?

The policy takes effect the day after the first payment is received, provided that the payment has been made within the term and in the amount specified in the Policy.

What is the difference between accident and health insurance?

They are two different types of insurance. Accident insurance can be purchased by anyone and covers the costs of accidents that result in injury, disability or death. Health insurance is provided by an employer to its employees with the aim of providing reimbursement for medical expenses in a more general sense when employees become ill.

How to apply for accident insurance?

Accident insurance can only be purchased by Citadele customers in the mobile app. If you don't have the Ciatdele mobile app yet, download it to your phone or tablet and enjoy the benefits of digital services.

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