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Active user discount

Card for free? Yes!

When you apply for C prime, the first 6 months are free of monthly fee. If you apply for a new C supreme card, you can use it for free for the first 3 months.
When you actively use your C card, you can receive a discount on your monthly main card fee.

C prime C supreme
Total amount spent on main and additional cards within first six months of use*: 6000 EUR (inclusive) 4500 EUR (inclusive) 3000 EUR (inclusive) 2000 EUR (inclusive)
Discount on monthly main card fee for the following 6 (six) months from six moths after the card is issued: 50 % discount on monthly fee for main card 25 % discount on monthly fee for main card 50 % discount on monthly fee for main card 25 % discount on monthly fee for main card
C prime
Total amount spent on main and additional cards within first six months of use*: 6000 EUR (inclusive)
Discount on monthly main card fee for the following 6 (six) months from six moths after the card is issued: 50 % discount on monthly fee for main card
Total amount spent on main and additional cards within first six months of use*: 4500 EUR (inclusive)
Discount on monthly main card fee for the following 6 (six) months from six moths after the card is issued: 25 % discount on monthly fee for main card
C supreme
Total amount spent on main and additional cards within first six months of use*: 3000 EUR (inclusive)
Discount on monthly main card fee for the following 6 (six) months from six moths after the card is issued: 50 % discount on monthly fee for main card
Total amount spent on main and additional cards within first six months of use*: 2000 EUR (inclusive)
Discount on monthly main card fee for the following 6 (six) months from six moths after the card is issued: 25 % discount on monthly fee for main card

Example: if your card was made in August 2022, the period of 6 full months ends on February 28th, 2023. If, during this time, the amount spent with the C prime card is 6161,12 EUR, the C prime card will have 50 % discount to monthly fee from March 2023.

For more information on the monthly fee for a card, see the Price List.

* Every 6 months period starting from the first day of the month following the date of issue of the basic card shall be considered as the half-year of use of the card.
The bank is entitled to review the terms and conditions of the purchase and the volume criteria on a semi-annual basis. For information on the annual period of using the card, call 77 00 000.

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