
Effective since 01.09.2024

Mortgage Loan, Housing Loan
Service Fee
Execution of credit agreement and additional loan amount Up to 1% of the loan amount, min 200 EUR
Execution of amendments:
Change of loan repayment date and repayment account 0 EUR once in a calendar year; for the next change in the same calendar year, 75 EUR per each amendment
Processing loan grace period, extension of loan issuance Bank’s approvals, permissions and consents related to the property encumbered in favour of the bank 75 EUR per amendment
Execution of amendments to the other provisions of the agreement 0,75% of the loan amount, min 200 EUR (price per amendment)
Fee for early repayment The amount of 3 months’ interest (will not be applied in the case of 3 months’ advance notice)
Consumer Loan
Service Fee
Execution of agreement on issuing of Consumer Loan 2% from agreement amount (min. 50 EUR)
Execution of amendments 25 EUR
  • 1 If amendments are initiated by the bank, fee is not applied.