Citadele Mobile Application

Why can’t I see the Face ID/Touch ID function in the Citadele app?

There could be several reasons. 

- Face ID/Touch ID has been blocked.
This is easy to check by locking your phone and seeing if your phone asks for a code to unblock Face ID/Touch ID when you next unlock your phone. After entering your code, the next time you lock and unlock your phone, Face ID/Touch ID will have been reactivated. 

- Face ID/Touch ID is not activated on your device overall.
iOS (Apple) users: To activate Face ID/Touch ID in your phone settings, click on profile icon, choose Face ID > Passcode. Here, you can set up/change your device code, and set up or block Face ID/Touch ID. 
Android users: Go to your device settings and select the function which activates biometrics. 

- Your device is jailbroken/rooted (you have installed an unofficial OS version which could impact the security of your device). 
For security reasons, the app blocks access to several functions and the use of services on devices with compromised security.

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