Online banking

How can I complete a transaction in parts or using several authorisation devices?

If the payment sum you want to transfer is larger that the limit for your authorisation device (PIN-calculator or MobileSCAN), there are several possible solutions:

  1. Each device has its own limit—you can split the payment into parts. 
    For example, you have to transfer 4000 EUR, and you have a PIN-calculator with a 3000 EUR limit as well as MobileSCAN with a 3000 EUR limit. Log in using your PIN-calculator to transfer 2000 EUR, log off, then log in using MobileSCAN and transfer another 2000 EUR. With two payments on two devices, you will be able to transfer the necessary sum. 
  2. Split your payment over several days. 
    For example, you have to transfer 4000 EUR and you only have MobileSCAN with a limit of 3000 EUR. Transfer 2000 EUR today, and the remaining 2000 EUR tomorrow.

If, however, you cannot split the payment, look into the option of remotely increasing your transfer limits for your MobileSCAN authorisation device. Additional information on MobileSCAN activation and limit increase. Other option is to use Mobile ID or ID card for bigger payments.

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