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How can we help with payment cards?

Have you contacted the seller?

How do I receive information from the retailer?

As a result of the state of emergency, many of our clients need to resolve issues linked with changes to travel plans, unreceived services and uncompleted orders, if payment for these was made with a card. 
For some of these cases, we can help to recover the money paid using a card, but for this process to be successful, the client’s involvement is very important. 
Please read the below information carefully and, before submitting an application, make sure that you have acted in accordance with these guidelines and that you have attached the necessary information. Otherwise, the claim process can be delayed or not possible. 

  • First, always try and resolve the issue by contacting the company from which you purchased the service (in accordance with the instructions given at the time of purchase and on the company website.) 
  • Wait for the time stated by the company, and then contact them again, if necessary. 
  • Save your correspondence with the company so that the correspondence recipients and dates are visible, as well as any submitted applications and screenshots (when you initiate the claim, attach them to the application).

We recommend considering the compensation offered by the retailer if possible (for example, vouchers, rebooking the flight or reservation) in the following cases, when reclamation of your money is not possible: 

  • if the flight you had tickets for is still operating, but the client has made the decision not to fly (except in cases when a flight ticket was cancelled in accordance with the seller’s terms and conditions, but the money has not been received within the deadline set);
  • if a hotel reservation is non-refundable, the hotel has not notified of the cancellation (except in cases when the reservation could not be used, for example, the hotel was closed);
  • if the business is unable to provide a service due to legal restrictions; 
  • if the client rejects a service before the retailer gives notice of performing the service.

How do I submit a claim application through the online bank? 

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