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How to add an additional Merchant portal user?

A new user is invited by the main user. This can be done in the Merchant portal: Devices management > Users > Invite.

The main user provides the required information and saves the changes.

  • The user's email address and, if necessary, a description (e.g., accountant, manager).
  • Select portal usage permissions to be granted. Permissions can be edited later.

The new user will receive a registration confirmation with a link to their email address. By opening the link, the user needs to create a password and save the changes. The password must contain at least 6 characters (Latin letters and numbers, or symbols).

A 6-digit activation code will appear on the new user's screen, which the main user must enter in the Merchant portal: Devices management > Users > Invitations.

By the user, click: View (eye icon) > Activate > Activation code (enter the 6-digit code) > Activate.

Now, the new user can log in to the Merchant portal using their email address and created password!

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